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News ______________________________________________________________________________________
Here you will find information about current workshops, blog posts and much more.
Online-Seminar _____________________
Zertifikat Tanzmedizin 2024:
Zusatztrainings für Tanzende (DE)
05.10.24 13:00 - 19:00
06.10.24 9:00 - 15:00
What are useful supplemental training methods for dancers? How can mental training promote performance and prevent overtraining in dance?
Seminar as part of Zertifikat Tanzmedizin 2024, e.V.
Podcast _____________________________
Educational Development Dance with Paolo Fossa
How does education and development relate to dance? How can sports psychology contribute to education in dance?
Podcast only available in English
Blog Post ____________________________
Coping with Stress in Dance
What does stress mean in dance and what can we do about it?
Published on e.V.
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