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News ______________________________________________________________________________________

Here you will find information about current workshops, blog posts and much more.

Online-Seminar | Mentaltraining | Tanz, Musik & Sport

Online-Seminar _____________________

Zertifikat Tanzmedizin 2024:
Zusatztrainings für Tanzende (DE)
05.10.24 13:00 - 19:00
06.10.24 9:00 - 15:00

What are useful supplemental training methods for dancers? How can mental training promote performance and prevent overtraining in dance?

Seminar as part of Zertifikat Tanzmedizin 2024, e.V.


Podcast | Mentaltraining | Tanz, Musik & Sport

Podcast _____________________________

Educational Development Dance with Paolo Fossa

How does education and development relate to dance? How can sports psychology contribute to education in dance?

Podcast only available in English


Blogbeitrag | Mentaltraining | Tanz, Musik & Sport

Blog Post ____________________________

Coping with Stress in Dance

What does stress mean in dance and what can we do about it?

Published on e.V.


Podcast | Bildung Entwicklung Tanz | Spotify
Podcast | Bildung Entwicklung Tanz | Apple Podcasts
Podcast | Bildung Entwicklung Tanz | Google Podcast
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